
March 11

March 13:14-37

In verse 14 there is a definite marker that defines the middle of Daniel’s 70th week, or the last seven years before Jesus returns. It is called “the abomination of desolation.” This event is when the Antichrist turns on the Jews, followed by 1260 days called “The Great Tribulation.” After the tribulation, Jesus will appear in the clouds in the sky, gathering His elect up to where He is. This is the rapture. It happens after the tribulation.

For more commentary, see corresponding text on Matthew 24 from February 7.

Deuteronomy 14-16

In chapter 14, Moses gives God’s instruction for mourning, food, and tithing.

In chapter 15, Moses writes God’s instruction for debt cancellation after the seventh year, generosity to the poor, bondservants, and firstborn animals. The Apostle Paul calls himself a bondservant of Christ. What is a bondservant? In verses 16-17, a bondservant is someone who is given the opportunity to leave the home of their employer, but that person decides to stay because that person loves their employer and his house. The Apostle Paul willing chose to serve the Lord out of His love for Christ.

In chapter 16, He reviews Passover, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Tabernacles. At the end of the chapter, He writes about justice.

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April 18

Luke 16:19-31 In these verses we find a story about Sheol, a holding place for the dead. For more on Hades and the afterlife, you can find an article called “What Does the Bible Say...
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April 17

Luke 16:1-18 “WHAT IS HIGHLY ESTEEMED AMONG MEN IS AN ABOMINATION IN THE SIGHT OF GOD (verse 15).” This was said about loving money, which is also about loving control and self-sufficiency. In the same...
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April 16

Luke 15:11-32 This passage is a parable about a father and two sons. One leaves home and returns. The other stays and resents the gracious treatment of the returning brother. in verse 17, it says...
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